Ozet Bu arastirmanin amaci dezavantajli cocuklarin velilerine yonelik gelistirilen aile katilim etkinliklerinin (AKE) etkililigini, velilerin ve ogrencilerin farkindaliklarini tespit etmektir. Arastirmada “karma yontem”; “ontest-sontest kontrol grupsuz model” kullanilmistir. Arastirma, 2013-2014 ogretim yilinda Ankara’nin Nallihan Ilcesi’nde alt sosyo-ekonomik duzeyde ve dezavantajli ogrencilerin yogun olarak bulundugu bir ilkokulunun ikinci sinifinda 17 cocuk ve 24 veli katilimi ile gerceklesmistir. Calisma grubundaki cocuklara ve velilere egitim yili icerisinde belirlenen 30 hafta suresince toplam 36 aktiviteden olusan AKE uygulanmistir. Arastirmada “Ilkogretimde Okul ve Aile Katilimi” veli alt olcegi nicel olcme boyutunu; AKE veli degerlendirme formu, ogrencilerin goruslerini almak icin hazirlanmis yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu, arastirmacinin (uygulama ogretmeninin) ve okul yoneticisinin de gunlugu de nitel olcme boyutunu olusturmustur. Programa katilan ailelerin “Ilkogretimde Okul ve Aile Katilimi” veli alt olceginden aldiklari on test-son test puanlarin, olcegin butun alt boyutlarinda calisma grubunun lehine anlamli bir farklilik bulunmustur. Arastirmaya katilan velilerin, AKE uygulanmasi oncesi ve sonrasinda elde ettikleri bilgilere, tutuma iliskin puanlari, ailelerinin yasa, gelir durumuna, cocuk sayisina ve egitim duzeyine gore farklilik gostermezken, cinsiyete gore anlamli farklilik bulunmustur. Bununla beraber, AKE’nin velilerin farkindalik duzeyi uzerindeki etki buyuklugunun ortaya konulmasi amaciyla Cohen d etki buyuklugu hesaplanmis ve degeri .80 bulunmustur. Nitel verilerden ise; ogrencilerin ve velilerinin aile katilim etkinliklerine iliskin olumlu goruslere sahip olduklari; ancak sosyal ve ekonomik olanaklarin yetersizliklerin katilimi olumsuz etkiledigini belirtilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aile katilimi, Aile katilim etkinlikleri, Dezavantajli cocuklar, Veli ve ogrenci farkindaligi Extended Abstract Problem and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of parental involvement activities designed for disadvantaged children’s parents and to determine awareness of disadvantaged parents and disadvantaged children. Method: “Mixed methods” and a non-control group pre-test – post-test model, which is one of the semi-experimental designs, was used in the context of this study. Adding that, the study was conducted in 2013-2014 academic year in a 2nd grade, public school which is located in a low socio-economic level district in Nallihan, Ankara. 17 children and 24 parents’ ideas were considered in this study. Adding that, sub-scale for parents used in the context of “The Scale for School and Family Involvement in Elementary Schools” developed by Sheldon & Epstein (2007). The Scale Form was translated into Turkish by Oguz (2012) in 6 dimensions, liker-type scale. Moreover, “Parental Involvement Evaluation Form for Parents”, “Diaries” which were kept by researcher and school manager were used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six students. “Parental Involvement Evaluation Form for Parents” and Diaries interviews were kept during and after the implementation of activities in the process. In conformity with pre-test – post-test model without control group, “Parents of the Scale for school and Family Involvement in Elementary Schools” was applied first to parents and their children. Then, 36 activities were conducted within the context of “Parental Involvement Activities” for 30 weeks with the active involvement of the researcher. At the end of the whole process, “The Scale for School and Family Involvement in Elementary Schools” was applied to subjects once again. Findings: Parents gained more positive value-related items in the post-test with all sub-dimensions. No significant difference was found between the scores related to the socio-economic characteristics (e.g. income statute, educational statue, age) of pre-test – post-test whereas, significant differences were found in terms of gender of pre- test – post-test. In order to determine Cohen d effect, size was calculated and the value of .80 was found regarding awareness of parents. Students and their parents expressed that they had favorable opinions and they were satisfied with the process about parental involvement activities in general. Certain facts were also found from researcher’s and school manager’s diaries such as sustainability for activities, attitudes of teachers, lack of family-school association, social and economic factors effected parental involvement in the implementation process. Conclusion: In conclusion, parental involvement activities have increased positive attitudes of parents and students. That is why, planning and implement parental involvement activities are important. Productive parental involvement for disadvantaged groups construct active parental roles and parent-school partnerships, promise increasingly effective interventions in order to enhance productive family-school relationships and improved learning outcomes for students. Keywords: Parent Involvement, Parent Involvement Activities, Disadvantaged Children, Awareness of Parents and Children
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