OZET Coklu karsilastirma testlerinde,n en fazla kullanilan LSD, Duncan, SNK ve Tukey testlerinin teorik ozelliklerJ mc'elenerek temel fia.raziyelerdeki aksamalarin bu testleri nasil etkileyecegi incelenmistir. Simulasyon teknikleriyle teskil tadilen .de· nemeler yeter sayida1ekrarlanarak teist!erin h:a.ta seviyeleri degisik'populasyonlar ve ornek genislikleri ,esas alinarak tesbit edilmistir. Normal sartlar icin beklenen hata seviyeleri normal dagilis ve homojen varyans faraziyelerininbozuldugu cesitli durumlarda ortaya cikan hata seviyeleriyle karsilastirilarak hangi testlerin ne olcude etkilendigi incelenmistir. Boylece, testlerin saglamlik yonunden genel ve birbirlerine katsi durumlari ortaya konmustur. SUMMARY A Researoh on the Effects of Nonnormality and Variance Heterogeneity on the, Structure of Multiple Comparison Tests. When tihe fixed model is u-sed, the aim of the analysis of variance is to determine the differences between the pQpulation means. As the F, test used for general nulI hypotiheses is not sufficient, the analysis of variance has got . to be completed by the multiple comparison tests. in order to detect tihe differences among the population means, 'some parametric and non parametric test procedures have been developed. In this researah some properties of the parametric tests, s'llchas L.s. d., Duncan, SNK and Tukey, were investigated by using sampiing experiments. Multiple comparison tests are the main coInponents of the analysis of variance. For this rea~ son, the validity of the comparisons depends on the accuracy of the knowledge thait is essential for the analysis of variance. There fore the assuimptioll's,of the ainalysis of vaPIance can also 1?e .extended for the multiple compariison tests. The oecurance of some departures from the underlying assu,mptions invialidates the multiple compadscm tests as the F tests, and causes wrong decisions. The error rate and theoreti· cal s;tiruoture of multiple comparision procedures are 'different /from eamother. Therefore : :tJlie levels of type i and type 11 errOrs and their powers are not the SMTle. Because of the differences in tihe error rates, the decisions and the results obtained by the use of these tests are different. In tlus researc,h the sampling .experiments obtained by using Monte-Car1o methods. The error rates of the multiple comparison 'te9ts were investigated nder different conditiQns. The error rates obtained for the nonnal case have been taken as a crlterion to compare the other cases where some departures from the underlyiing assumptions. Taking two poission distribution witth the' parametres L = 2 'and L = 3, the departures from 'the nonnal1ty were considered. '57 Taking the samples of 5 groups, each with sample sizes of 3 and 7, type i error rates were estimated according to various error rate cri:teria. With the departures from the nQrmality the error rates of the Duncan, SNK, and Tukey's niethods were mareased. Th1s priaotically arises when the sample sizes are smaIl. Effeots of the heterogeneity of the variances were also mvestigated for various combinamons of the group variances. On each sampling, 4 and 5 groups ea'.ch having 3 and 7 observations were ohosen, Applying the analysis of v:ariance and the multiple 'comparison tests, type i error rates were calculated it has been revealed that high heterogeneity of variance ended up with the increase of type T error mates of multiple comparison tests except L.S.D.. In the case of low heterogeneity, however, did not prove accordingly giying slightly decreasing error rates.
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