The analysis of odds ratio curves is a valuable tool in understanding the relationship between continuous predictors and binary outcomes. Traditional parametric regression approaches often assume specific functional forms, limiting their flexibility and applicability to complex data. To address this limitation and introduce more flexibility, several smoothing methods may be applied, and approaches based on splines are the most frequently considered in this context. To better understand the effects that each continuous covariate has on the outcome, results can be expressed in terms of splines-based odds ratio (OR) curves, taking a specific covariate value as reference. In this paper, we introduce an R package, flexOR, which provides a comprehensive framework for pointwise nonparametric estimation of odds ratio curves for continuous predictors. The package can be used to estimate odds ratio curves without imposing rigid assumptions about their underlying functional form while considering a reference value for the continuous covariate. The package offers various options for automatically choosing the degrees of freedom in multivariable models. It also includes visualization functions to aid in the interpretation and presentation of the estimated odds ratio curves. flexOR offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to researchers and practitioners without extensive statistical backgrounds.
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