In several industries, the handling of fluid-filled micropipes is common. New-brand structures are increasingly being manufactured using advanced materials. This article tackles one of the crucial dynamic analyses that an advanced fluid-filled micropipe encounters. The dynamics of a graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced micropipe (GPL micropipe) under pulsating laminar flow for the first time is examined. The Euler-Bernoulli beam model follows the modified couple stress theory (MCST) and von-Karman’s nonlinear strain to formulate the problem. The impression of the flow profile exerted by a real flow as a consequence of fluid viscosity, is taken into account. The plug flow model results are compared to those regarding real flow consideration. Using the method of multiple scales (MMS), we determine the instability area and the steady state response of the GPL micropipe subjected to the principal parametric resonance of one of its modes due to pulsating laminar flow by applying this method to the discretized couple nonlinear gyroscopic governing equations. The Floquet theory treats the linear equations and fourth-order Runge–Kutta (RK4) method attacks nonlinear ones to validate MMS findings. It is confirmed that the 0.3 % addition of the GPL to matrix phase significantly enhances its advanced attributes, making it a highly effective material. The GPL reinforcement phase in the FGO pattern increases the critical flow velocity that exhibits the micropipe to static instability by 37.98 % , and critical flow stimulation amplitude fraction by 152.19 % , while declines instability area bandwidth by 36.95 % , and steady state response by 67.17 % relative to a non-reinforced micropipe. A denser flow degrades the corresponding values by 18.40 % , 42.59 % , 41.67 % , and 227.28 % in comparison to a lighter fluid. The declared findings provide crucial insights into the key design elements affecting significantly the functioning of fluid-filled GPL micropipes system, and regulate future research and expand openings for industry applications.
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