Introduction - Angiografic assessment of type B chronic aortic dissection (TBCAD) can be complex in TEVAR procedures, due to the presence of true and false lumen. Quantitative digital subtraction angiography (Q-DSA) with a parametric color-coding provides a novel approach for encoding temporal information and enabling quantitative measurements. (1,2) The potential value of the use of color in the display of these parametric images was recognized (3), particularly useful in situations in which there is a complex flow pattern. (4,5) The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the use of parametric color-coding in the post processing of DSA series is advantageous in the evaluation of TBCAD during TEVAR procedures. Methods - We enrolled 11 patients treated electively for a TBCAD. All cases were treated with TEVAR for a aneurysm disease of thoracic descending aorta (> 6 cm) with the coverture of proximal entry tear. For postprocessing of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) series, a newly implemented algorithm of parametric color-coding was used, turning sequential images of two-dimensional (2D)-DSA series into a single color-coded image (Syngo I-Flow, Siemens AG, Forchheim, Germany). In consensus reading, two experienced vascular surgeons valuated the initial, interventional, and post-interventional 2D-DSA series comparing them to the color-coded images, respectively. Whether parametric color-coding could facilitate evaluation of a true and false lumen and provide a more precise estimation of proximal entry tear as well as whether flow analysis could reveal objective changes during and after TEVAR treatment were investigated. Results - In 81.8 % of the cases, parametric color coding was observed to facilitate visualization of the aortic dissection angioarchitecture in term of true e false lumen contemporary vision. Estimation of proximal entry tear was considered to be improved in 45.4 % of the cases (fig. 1. maximum intensity peak DSA (a) and parametric color elaboration with entry tear enhanced (b)). For assessment of hemodynamic changes during and after treatment, parametric color coding was assumed to be helpful in 36.3 % of the cases, especially because revealing flow changes that were not visible on 2D-DSA series were now visible. Conclusion - Without additional cost in term of x-ray and contrast medium exposure, parametric color-coding is a real time application tool that might provide additional support in the angiographic evaluation of TBCAD during TEVAR. Visualization of complex aortic dissection architecture could be facilitated, and flow analysis might improve assessment of entry tear position, thereby increasing overall diagnostic confidence. During and after treatment, hemodynamic changes that were not visible on 2D-DSA series could now be depicted.
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