Abstract. A new method is developed to derive the bulk density and bulk water fraction of a population of particles from collocated measurements from the Micro-Rain Radar (MRR) and Particle Size and Velocity disdrometer (Parsivel). A rigorous particle-scattering simulation, namely the T-matrix method, is applied to Parsivel's particle size distribution data to calculate the reflectivity (ZHH). The possible combinations of the particle's ice, air, and water are derived to compare them with the MRR-measured ZHH. The combination of the minimum water fraction and maximum ice fraction subsequently determines the bulk density (ρbulk). The proposed method is applied to the data collected from the International Collaborative Experiments for Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic winter games (ICE-POP 2018) projects and its pre-campaign. The estimated ρbulk was examined independently by a comparison of the liquid-equivalent snowfall rate (SR) of collocated Pluvio devices. The bias values are adequately low (SR: −0.25–0.06 mm h−1). The retrieved bulk density also shows good consistency with collocated Precipitation Imaging Package (PIP) retrievals. The results indicate the capability of the proposed algorithm to derive reliable ρbulk, leveraging the compact and easily deployable designs of MRR and Parsivel. The derived bulk density of the two warm–low cases (28 February and 7 March 2018) shares a similar transition as the systems were decaying. The higher bulk density and bulk water fraction were found in the coastal sites (BKC and GWU have a median value of ρbulk and are 0.05 to 0.12 g cm−3), typically accompanied by higher liquid-water constituents (mean values of the top 5 % bulk water fraction are 0.07 to 0.45) than the inland sites (YPO and MHS have a median value of ρbulk and are 0.06 to 0.10, and mean values of the top 5 % bulk water fraction are 0.001 to 0.008) during such synoptic conditions.