In 2023, the Flemish government will start developing a digital care and support plan. With this shared support plan, we want care providers, informal caregivers and citizens to collaborate digitally in a goal-oriented care plan. 
 The digital care and support plan is being built by an external IT partner in co-creation with stakeholders and citizens. In a first test version, 5 modules are offered: 
 * Communication 
 * Life goals 
 * Care and support goals 
 * Care and support tasks 
 * Care team 
 After a test phase at the end of 2023 this digital collaboration tool will be rolled out across Flanders in two pilot projects. 
 The rollout will be planned on 3 axes (possibly in parallel): 
 * geographical extension: step by step connecting a number of new zones
 * multidisciplinary expansion: integrate new sectors step by step 
 * substantive expansion: develop additional modules 
 In this workshop we will bring policy makers and network organizations from different regions together to share best practices. 
 * What good practices are available? 
 * What is needed to successfully address the 3 axes? 
 * What are the pros and cons of expanding on any of the 3 axes? 
 * What is the impact of each extension on the success of the full rollout? 
 * What is the impact on support and adoption in the field? 
 This session primarily aims to share experiences and bring together knowledge. 
 The workshop will be composed of: 
 * 15 minutes introduction and context 
 * 3 x 10 minutes working around 3 different axes and their impact (sharing experiences and good practices). Naming pros and cons of each axis. 
 * 15 minutes: Distill best approach per group - what order, possibly parallel rollout is preferable? 
 * 15 minutes: combine results into a global best practice
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