In recent years, Intel promotes its new product Xeon Phi coprocessor, which is similar to the x86 architecture coprocessor. It has about 60 cores and can be regarded as a single computing node, with the computing power that cannot be ignored. This work aims to improve the workload balance by parallel loop self-scheduling scheme performed on Xeon Phi-based computer cluster. The proposed concept is implemented by hybrid MPI and OpenMP parallel programming in C language. Since parallel loop self-scheduling composes of static and dynamic allocation, weighting algorithm is adopted in the static part, while the well-known loop self-scheduling is adopted in dynamic part. The loop block is partitioned according to the weighting of MIC and HOST nodes. Accordingly, Xeon Phi with many-core is adopted to implement parallel loop self-scheduling. Finally, we test the performance in the experiments by four applicable problems: matrix multiplication, sparse matrix multiplication, Mandelbrot set and circuit meet. The experimental results indicate how to do the weight allocation and which scheduling method can achieve the best performance.
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