Although ubiquitous in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere, how chorus waves with a gap in intensity near half the electron cyclotron frequency, 0.5fce, is formed remains to be understood. One hypothesis invokes the often-observed feature in electron phase space density where two anisotropic populations of warm and hot temperatures, respectively, are separated by a relatively isotropic beam-like component, called the parallel plateau distribution. According to linear theory, its mean velocity is such that the plateau population can lead to a sufficient cyclotron damping in a narrow frequency range near 0.5fce. To test this hypothesis more quantitatively, we carry out a series of one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations in a parabolic magnetic field with observationally constrained plateau density and mean velocity. We find that even though the chorus generation involves nonlinear physics, the gap formation is largely determined by the linear properties of plateau electrons. In addition, given a sufficiently large plateau density with a right combination of warm and/or hot source populations, our simulations were able to generate lower-band-only chorus, upper-band-only chorus, banded chorus with partial damping at the gap, and banded chorus with a strong power gap. When it comes to comparing with observations, however, we find that (1) the minimum plateau density required to generate banded chorus is somewhat larger than that observed; (2) even with the largest plateau density used, the gap formation in the simulations is not consistent; and (3) most importantly, the dependence of the gap frequency on the plateau velocity in our parametric analysis differs quite substantially from that of the recent statistical results. Provided that the simplifying assumptions in our simulations remain valid, these discrepancies would indicate that the electron plateau distribution is not the major contributor to the chorus gap formation.