Laelaps nigeriensis sp. n. from Nigeria is described. Type material was taken from Crocidura sp. and from Mus (Leggada) musculoides at Adu, Nigeria. The species is distinctive in lacking spurlike setae on coxae I, and in that the inner members of the paired hypostomal setae extend posteriorly to level of insertion of gnathosomal setae. The species description given in this paper is based upon specimens collected by the late Dr. A. S. Pearse in Nigeria in 1926. These specimens, and others taken from rodents and insectivores by Dr. Pearse, were forwarded to the United States National Museum and later referred to the writer for study. Subfamily Laelaptinae Berlese, 1892 Laelaps Koch, 1839 Laelaps nigeriensis sp. n. (figs. 1, 2) Female: Terminal setae of dorsal shield over twice as long as subterminal setae. Presternal area not clearly distinct from sternal shield. Anterior sternal shield shortest; anterior pores parallel with anterior margin of shield, but posterior pores set at an angle; length-width ratio of shield about 3:4. Endopodal setae at least as long as posterior sternal setae. Genitoventral shield slightly expanded posterior to coxae IV; its posterior margin very slightly rounded between posterior genitoventral setae; anterior genitoventral setae largest and slightly farther apart than anterior sternal setae; posterior genitoventral setae slightly farther apart than those of anterior pair. Anterior margin of anal shield slightly concave; anus slightly closer to anterior margin of shield than to postanal seta; paired anal setae at level of posterior end of anus; length-width ratio of shield 1:1; cribrum very narrow. Metapodal shields irregular ovals. Nine or ten pairs of ventral setae; peritreme extends to level of coxa I. Chelae not distinct; it cannot be determined whether the pilus is inflated; inner paired hypostomal setae at least four times as long as outer setae and extending posteriorly to level of point of insertion of gnathosomal setae. Lengthwidth ratio of tarsus I 2.5:1; femora I and II with elongate dorsal setae, which are smaller than most setae on dorsal shield; coxae I and IV without spurlike setae; coxae II and III each with one Received for publication 26 September 1961. * Lt. Colonel Keegan is assigned to the Entomology Branch, Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical Field Service School, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. spurlike seta. Idiosoma of holotype female 538 ,u in length and 370 tu in width; idiosoma of a paratype female, on same slide with holotype, 577 ,L long and 337 A wide. This specimen is less flattened than the holotype and is probably more representative of the normal size of the species. Male: Unknown. Type material: Holotype and paratype female, on same slide, taken from Crocidura sp. at Adu, Nigeria, 15 September 1926, by A. S. Pearse. One additional paratype, taken from Mus (Leggada) musculoides at Adu, Nigeria, by A. S. Pearse on 28 September 1926. Type material in United States National Museum. Discussion: Absence of spurlike setae on coxae I places Laelaps nigeriensis in a category with L. simillimus Zumpt, 1950; L. transvaalensis Zumpt, 1950; L. grenieri Taufflieb, 1954; L. keegani Thurman, 1958; and L. congoicola Taufflieb, 1959. Only in nigeriensis does the inner member of the paired hypostomal setae extend posteriorly to the level of insertion of the gnathostomal setae. The drawings were prepared by Mr. Saburo Shibata, Taxonomic Section, Department of Entomology, 406th Medical General Laboratory. Slide preparations of types were made by Miss Yoshiko Yoshida of the same laboratory.
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