INTRODUCTION: Regulator of G protein signaling 4 (RGS4), a potent negative regulator of G-protein coupled receptor signaling, is a key gene in the maintenance of mechanical and cold allodynia associated with chronic pain states in mice. RGS4 is abundantly expressed across the pain matrix, and is upregulated in response to peripheral inflammation and nerve injury. METHODS: To understand the dynamics of RGS4 gene expression after nerve injury, we perform the spared-nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain in C57BL/6. At 21 days (DRG) or 2.5 months (spinal cord) post-surgery (SNI vs sham), animals were sacrificed and specimens were harvested for tissue processing. RNAScope, an ultrasensitive RNA ISH method, was used to visualize and quantify single-molecule expression of RGS4, prodynorphin/PDYN (exclusively expressed by inhibitory dorsal horn interneurons), and somatostatin/SST (expressed by excitatory interneurons) within the cellular topography of the lumbar superficial dorsal horn. RESULTS: RGS4 expression increased significantly in the dorsal horn following spared-nerve injury (p = 0.0384). In sham-treated mice, there were no differences in cell-type-specific (PDYN vs. SST) RGS4 expression patterns in the dorsal horn (p = 0.4170). Cell-type-specific RGS4 expression in the dorsal horn was significantly different (F (2,27) = 8.353; p = 0.0015; one-way ANOVA) following SNI. SNI-induced RGS4 expression was significantly enriched in PDYN vs SST-expressing interneurons (p = 0.0300), and overall RGS4 expression was significantly downregulated in SST-expressing cells compared to all cells (p = 0.0012). In addition, neuronal-specific RGS4 expression was significantly increased in the DRG in SNI vs Sham-injured mice (p = 0.0050). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that upregulation of RGS4 expression in the superficial dorsal horn and DRG may play a crucial role in maintenance of chronic pain following nerve injury.
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