Foreign investors are expected to assume that companies with high value-added information and ESG evaluation information are sound companies and to invest their funds. Therefore, we would like to verify this. The purpose of this study is: 1) Companies with high added value information will have a high foreign ownership ratio. 2) Companies with high ESG evaluation information will have a higher foreign ownership ratio. And 3) we conducted an empirical analysis predicting that value-added information would have a higher positive influence and information power on the foreign ownership ratio than ESG rating information. The research method is based on the company's added value information and foreign ownership ratio data from 2016 to 2020 provided by Fn-guide and ESG evaluation information published by the Korea ESG Research Institute, which is a statistical processing method such as basic statistical analysis, correlation analysis, Regression analysis was performed. To summarize the research results, the correlation analysis results show the dependent variable foreign ownership ratio and variables of interest: 1) added value information and 2) ESG evaluation information (rating (R), environment (E), society (S), and governance (G) sectors) The results showed that there was a significant positive (+) correlation. And the regression analysis results show that both value-added information and ESG evaluation information (rating (R), environment (E), society (S), and governance (G) sectors) have a significant positive (+) effect on the foreign ownership ratio. appear. In addition, ESG rating information was found to have greater influence and information power on the foreign ownership ratio than value-added information. The implications of these research results suggest that foreign investors are interested in and tend to invest funds in companies with high added value information and ESG evaluation information. Therefore, it is expected that added value information and ESG evaluation information serve as useful accounting information for foreign investors in the capital market.