Mediterranean sediments are known for their major shifts in sedimentary composition associated with dramatic changes in environmental and climate conditions. A typical expression for this in Holocene sediments is the occurrence of a distinctly organic-rich unit, sapropel S1, thought to be related with humid climate conditions. The S1 is accompanied by major changes in Ba content and in other elemental composition, respectively related to biological upper water column productivity and shifts in detrital sediment provenance. Here, we focus on changes in Ba and in its various phases to unravel shifts in environmental conditions around S1.Using selective extractions for sediments in cores MP37PC, MP39PC and MP50PC, respectively at 1908, 1359 and 775m water depth, we distinguish different Ba-phases: detrital Ba (Ba-det), barite Ba (Ba-bar), Mn-oxide-related Ba (Ba-ox), carbonate- and pyrite-associated Ba (Ba-carb and Ba-pyr). The predominant Ba-phase during S1 is Ba-bar (∼70%), whereas before and after S1 it is Ba-det (>90%). All other phases are mostly relatively small but have diagnostic value for environmental conditions and processes.The detrital (Ba/Al) is distinctly lower during S1 than before and after. The (Ba/Al). det variability, and enhanced values for Ba-carb and Ba-ox may have substantial influence on the traditional way to derive barite-Ba or excess-Ba content.The steep gradients in Ba-bar at onset and ending of S1and its high level during S1, clearly identify this period. In addition, and due to the exclusive nature of extraction results, we unequivocally demonstrate for the first time that there is a small gradual ‘early onset’ Ba-bar preceding the major increase in sapropel S1 formation sensu stricto.The ending of S1 formation is relatively abrupt with a well-defined reventilation event (’6 ka reventilation event’). This reventilation is associated with a rapid change in environmental conditions such as oxygenation and related remineralization of organic matter and recrystallization of carbonate. This rapid change and associated diagenetic processes are authentically recorded in Ba-carb and Ba-ox. For the period during sapropel S1 formation, the Ba-carb and Ba-ox results point to different levels of ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean, i.e. a relatively mixed water mass down to ∼800m, a moderately mixed water mass from ∼800-to ∼1500 m, and a more stagnant water mass below 1500 m.