In confirmation of the general idea of pseudo Jahn–Teller origin of instability of high-symmetry configurations of polyatomic systems that determines their geometry, a series of six molecules, Ag 3 n and I 3 n, n=−1,0,+1, were investigated. The electronic structure of the ground state of all the six molecules in the linear configuration was calculated by the extended-Hückel method with atomic charge and electron configuration self-consistency, while the excited state energy levels and wavefunctions were estimated in the single transition approximation. Then, the orbital vibronic constants, bare force constants and the vibronic contribution of the appropriate excited states to the instability of the linear configuration were evaluated. The obtained results show that in both series, silver and iodine, the curvature of the adiabatic potential of the linear configuration, in the direction of the bending distortions, decreases from the negative ions to the neutral atoms to the positive ions and becomes negative in the latter two cases, thus explaining the origin of the experimentally observed geometries. The numerical data give a detailed insight into: (1) the origin of the linear→bent distortions as being due to the additional covalency created by the σ–π overlap in the bent configuration; (2) the specific excited states that contribute to this process of geometry formation; and (3) the difference between the silver and iodine series.