In the past, a maximum-entropy model was introduced and applied to the study of statistical scattering by chaotic cavities, when short paths may play an important role in the scattering process. In particular, the validity of the model was investigated in relation with the statistical properties of the conductance in open chaotic cavities. In this article we investigate further the validity of the maximum-entropy model, by comparing the theoretical predictions with the results of computer simulations, in which the Schroedinger equation is solved numerically inside the cavity for one and two open channels in the leads; we analyze, in addition to the conductance, the zero-frequency limit of the shot-noise power spectrum. We also obtain theoretical results for the ensemble average of this last quantity, for the orthogonal and unitary cases of the circular ensemble and an arbitrary number of channels. Generally speaking, the agreement between theory and numerics is good. In some of the cavities that we study, short paths consist of whispering gallery modes, which were excluded in previous studies. These cavities turn out to be all the more interesting, as it is in relation with them that we found certain systematic discrepancies in the comparison with theory. We give evidence that it is the lack of stationarity inside the energy interval that is analyzed, and hence the lack of ergodicity that gives rise to the discrepancies. Indeed, the agreement between theory and numerical simulations is improved when the energy interval is reduced to a point and the statistics is then collected over an ensemble. It thus appears that the maximum-entropy model is valid beyond the domain where it was originally derived. An understanding of this situation is still lacking at the present moment.
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