The intensity of this flow decreases with increase in the rarefaction of the gas up to a value of the Knudsen number Kn = 1 and then remains constant. The direction of circulation characteristic of a continuum is preserved. We have now investigated the onset of secondary flows with decrease in the height of a rotating cylinder with a fixed end face. It has been established that for a dimensionless height h = H/a = 0.25, where a is the radius of the cylinder, a two-vortex circulating flow structure develops. At first glance, the direction of one of the vortices might appear paradoxical. 1. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM AND METHOD OF CALCULATION We will consider the problem of the rarefied gas flow in a rotating cylinder established after the upper end face is brought to a stop. We assume that the rate of rotation of the cylinder corresponds to a Mach number M --- o~a/(3,RTo) 1/2 = 1.94, where o~ is the angular velocity, T O is the initial temperature of the gas and the cylinder surfaces, R is the gas constant, and "y is the specific heat ratio of the gas. Initially the gas density has a Boltzmann exponential radial distribution, its value on the lateral surface remaining constant as h varies. The Knudsen number, defined as Kn = X/H, where )~ is the molecular mean free path, was varied in the steady state from 0.1 at the side walls to 0.6 near the axis when h = 1 and from 2 to 5 when h = 0.06. It was assumed that the molecules interact with each other as "rigid spheres," while the interaction with the surfaces of the cylinder is assumed to be perfectly diffuse. In the calculations we used the direct statistical modeling method with a "majorant" molecular collision frequency [2] which makes it possible to reduce the time taken for the problem to reach the steady state and save computer memory by using fewer model particles than in the scheme usually employed [3]. The domain investigated was divided into 20 cells radially and 6--10 ceils vertically depending on the distance between the ends of the cylinder. In determining the flow characteristics the total volume of the statistical sample amounted to 5" 107 particles. As criteria of the completion of the transient process we used the conditions of constancy of the total moment of the friction forces and zero total radial mass flux. The typical time required to arrive at a steady-state solution was 2--3 h for calculations made on a EC 1061 computer.
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