Pollination is crucial for biodiversity and food security. Heterogeneous agricultural landscapes have a positive effect on pollinator abundance and enhance crop production and quality. In this study, we explored the effects of three landscape features (past crop diversity measured as the Equivalent Richness of crop functional Groups in the previous year [ERGp], semi-natural habitat percentage [SNH], and mean field size [MFS]) and pollinator densities (wild bees [WB] and honey bees [HB]) on pollination and seed quantity and quality in rapeseed crops. Surveying the pollinator density in 20 rapeseed fields revealed a positive relationship with ERGp in the landscape. A pollinator exclusion experiment compared bagged and open-pollinated self-compatible rapeseed plants and revealed insect pollination effectiveness (fruits per flower and number of seeds per pod) and seed quality (oil content). Seed parameters were evaluated in relation to pollinator density (WB-HB) and landscape characteristics. The ERGp emerged as a crucial landscape feature that positively impacted WB density. When insect pollinators were excluded, plants exhibited reduced pollination effectiveness and seed quality. Analysis of open-pollinated plants highlighted ERGp as the most influential variable, positively affecting both sets of parameters. The MFS and SNH showed different but important relationships. Total tocopherol and α-tocopherol were positively correlated with pollinator density in HB, whereas WB showed a positive correlation with γ-tocopherol levels. Increased ERGp positively affected pollinator density and pollination effectiveness, thereby improving oilseed rape production quantity and quality. This study provides new insights into agroecosystem management and pollinator-friendly practices.