In recent years, data obtained from ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) have played a major role in studies of the oceanic crust and mantle structure, thus greatly facilitating improved understanding of deep structures in the Earth. In addition to primary, first arrival phases, multiple seismic phases can often be detected in OBS data sections. These phases tend to have high energy and good continuity, but are often rejected as invalid signals in conventional OBS data processing. However, multiple phases can be real reflections of subsurface interfaces, and contain a large amount of important information about subsurface structures. For example, in shallow sediments with poor resolution of first arrival phases, an inversion using multiple phases can improve the resolution of the sediments. Similarly, deep multiple phases can also reflect the media characteristics near the Moho, and improve the imaging precision of crustal structures. By analyzing the measured data from seismic line OBS2013-ZN at stations OBS06 and OBS07, the secondary Pg, PmP and Pn phases are identified behind the first arrival Pg, PmP, and Pn phases, with travel time differences in the 1.53–1.62 s range. Analysis of waveform characteristics reveals that the amplitude of the secondary phases is more prominent, and greater than that of the first arrival phases in some cases. The waveform characteristics of these two phases are very similar in terms of apparent velocity. The overall form of the multiple phases is also approximately the same as that of the first arrivals, with a correlation coefficient of ~0.8. According to the recognition characteristics described, accurate arrival times of the first arrival and secondary phases are detected in the seismic sections of stations OBS06 and OBS07. The theoretical travel time is first calculated from the secondary phases based on the fire time, offset, and reduced time of seismic phases. After repeated analysis and identification, the uncertainty in detection is set to 80–150 ms. A total of 151 secondary phases are detected at OBS06 and 110 at OBS07, and first arrival phases are detected from these stations with an uncertainty of 80–110 ms. To determine the secondary reflecting interface corresponding to the secondary seismic phases detected at OBS06 and OBS07, their propagation paths are analyzed by ray tracing. A new local velocity structure is obtained using travel time inversion based on the original P-wave velocity model by combining the first arrival and secondary phases. The results show that the velocity structure changes in both shallow sediments and mid to deep crust-mantle depths compared with previous results of processing first arrival phases. The fitting results of travel time shows that the secondary phases traversed sedimentary intervals several times and increased the ray-coverage density in the model, providing more constraints on travel-time inversion and improved imaging precision of the sediments and crust. To validate the reliability of the imaging method, the average one-dimensional velocity is calculated for the region directly below OBS06 and OBS07 based on the velocity structure obtained. Next, the single-channel seismic waveforms of OBS06 are synthesized by forward modeling of reflectivity and these are compared with the single-channel waveforms in the actual seismic data. The results show that the first arrival phases of synthetic and actual seismic waveforms are highly consistent in terms of both travel time and form. These findings demonstrate the reliability of the secondary seismic phases detected, and also validate the reliability of the propagation paths of secondary seismic phases. This in turn shows that the velocity structure obtained is credible. This study provides a reference for making full use of wide-angle OBS data and future studies of multiple phases, and has implications for investigating fine details of crustal structures, particularly in terms of improving imaging precision.
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