Aim. To evaluate immediate and long-term results of surgical reconstruction of the biliary system in various types of benign obstructive jaundice.Materials and methods. The study enrolled 110 patients with choledocholithiasis, iatrogenic biliary strictures, common bile duct strictures, as well as strictures of biliodigestive and biliobiliary anastomoses. Patients were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 included 43 patients with multiple choledocholithiasis and bile duct dilatation >15 mm. Group 2 enrolled 35 patients with multiple choledocholithiasis and hepaticolithiasis who were intraoperatively diagnosed with stricture, injury, or pressure ulcers of the common bile duct wall. Group 3 included 32 patients with cicatricial and iatrogenic biliary strictures. The immediate and long-term results of surgical treatment were compared.Results. In group 1, the survival rate comprised 89.4%, the average duration of surgery amounted to 137 minutes, complications involved wound infection, bile leakage, bile peritonitis. In group 2, the survival rate accounted for 91.4%, the average duration of surgery comprised 192 minutes; strictures of biliodigestive anastomosis were detected in the remote period, and reconstructive surgeries were performed. Group 3 revealed the survival rate of 100%, the average duration of surgery of 215 minutes, and no complications in the long term.Conclusion. The diameter of the common bile duct, its wall changes, size of gallstones, signs of cholangitis, patency of the bile papilla, and localization of biliary stricture determine the surgical tactics, when performing biliary reconstruction in patients with non-cancerous obstructive jaundice. In case minimally invasive surgery is found impossible under conditions of multiple choledocholithiasis, common bile duct diameter >15 mm, and preservation of its wall, choledocholithotomy with Kerr drainage is considered to be optimal. In case of damage to the CBD wall and patency of the bile papilla, preference shall be given to hepaticoenterostomy. Bile duct reconstruction with stent drainage is indicated for treatment of cicatricial and iatrogenic biliary strictures.