view Abstract Citations (1) References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Turbulence in the atmosphere of 31 Cygni. Spiegel, Edward A. ; Aller, Lawrence H. Abstract We have been attempting to utilize data gathered in the 1951 atmospheric eclipse of 31 Cygni to investigate the hydrodynamics in the atmosphere of the K star. From radial velocities measured during the egress of the 1951 eclipse1 we have calculated correlation coefficients as defined below. The observati9ns here used are velocities at separate points in space-time; hence the correlation coefficients depend on space-time intervals. Moreover, the measured velocities are not velocities at single points in the atmosphere, but are mean velocities along the line of sight, the means being weighted with respect to the contribution of each element of atmosphere to the line intensities. For our purposes, the correlation coefficient is T - ~ v5(t) Vz(t + n) R5 (n) = [~))%52~t) T 52(t + n)i-s' t=n where n is a time interval in days, P is the number of days over which observations are made, t is the index (from I to P), the z direction is the line of sight direction, and v is the observed velocity corrected for orbital motion. The correlation Co- efficient is expressed as a function of n alone, since the transverse velocity of the B star is very nearly constant during the observation period. In this case, n completely specifies the space-time interval on which the correlation depends. If there exists turbulence in the hydrodynamical sense in the giant's atmosphere, moderately large eddies, i.e., those whose characteristic lengths are comparable to half the thickness of the atmosphere, will dominate the observed velocities. Smaller eddies than these will have effects analogous to those of thermal broadening, and larger ones will, if they are much larger than the transverse distance spanned by the observations, alter the observed mean velocities. In terms of this turbulence model, the length scale of the energy-containing eddies can be obtained, if the eddies lie within the detectable range discussed in the preceding paragraph. This is accomplished by replacing n by a corresponding space interval. The space interval is linearly related to n through the transverse velocity of the B star. We have calculated the above correlation for velocities derived from the calcium K line.1 Twenty-two observations, taken over a 3~-day period, were used. The calculated correlation Coefficients imply that, on the basis of this provisional turbulence model, the length scale of the energy-containing eddies is of the order of 2 X I0~ km. I.D. B. McLaughlin, Ap. J. ~~6, 550, 1952. University of Michigan Observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: 1953 DOI: 10.1086/106905 Bibcode: 1953AJ.....58Q.229S full text sources ADS |