Achieving uniform optical resolution for a large tissue sample is a major challenge for deep imaging. For conventional tissueclearing methods, loss of resolution and quality in deep regions is inevitable due to limited transparency. Here we describe the Transparent Embedding Solvent System (TESOS) method, which combines tissue clearing, transparent embedding, sectioning and block-face imaging. We used TESOS to acquire volumetric images of uniform resolution for an adult mouse whole-body sample. The TESOS method is highly versatile and can be combined with different microscopy systems to achieve uniformly high resolution. With a light sheet microscope, we imaged the whole body of an adult mouse, including skin, at a uniform 0.8 × 0.8 × 3.5 μm3 voxel resolution within 120 h. With a confocal microscope and a 40×/1.3 numerical aperture objective, we achieved a uniform sub-micron resolution in the whole sample to reveal a complete projection of individual nerve axons within the central or peripheral nervous system. Furthermore, TESOS allowed the first mesoscale connectome mapping of individual sensory neuron axons spanning 5 cm from adult mouse digits to the spinal cord at a uniform sub-micron resolution.
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