A large number of metal oxides are known to catalyze the gasification of carbon by molecular oxygen [1,2] and very small concentrations of the most active materials are capable of reducing the temperature at which carbon begins to oxidize in air by several hundred degrees [3]. Although active catalytic species come from every Group of the Periodic Table, the majority of catalysts appear to function via a redox cycle, being reduced to lower oxidation states by reaction with the carbon substrate and then reoxidizing back to the original state by reaction with ambient oxygen [3,4]. A few catalysts, such as Cr,O,, silver metal and possibly transition metal carbides [5], appear to accelerate the oxidation reaction by providing sites for the dissociation of molecular oxygen to give absorbed oxygen atoms, which then diffuse across the carbon surface to active sites where the carbon is gasified. In some cases the catalytic effect may be enhanced by the formation of a molten phase, followed by spreading and wetting of the carbon surface [6]. The actinide elements and their compounds have not been studied as catalysts for this reaction, although their behavior is somewhat predictable based on the above considerations. Uranium, which forms a series of oxides, has been found to be active catalytically, when present as UO, or U,O, [7]. Sampath et al. [8] have, however, recently reported that thorium oxide, ThO,. is an active catalyst for the oxidation of graphite in air in the temperature range 600-900°C. As the single oxide of thorium is very stable (AH&R = -293 kcal mol-‘), it would not be reduced to metal by heating with carbon in this temperature range and hence it would not be expected to participate in oxidation-reduction cycles on the graphite surface. ThO, is also much more stable in the presence of oxygen than the known carbides, ThC and ThC,, and hence carbide formation during carbon gasification would not be expected. In addition, the very high melting point (3220 o C) of ThO, would preclude the formation of molten phases and the wetting of the graphite substrate. For all these reasons a demonstrated catalytic activity for thoria would disqualify the usual redox process as the likely mechanism of the catalyzed gasification of carbon in this case, and as ThO, is only an indifferent catalyst for gas phase oxidation reactions (e.g., oxidation of CO) [9], it is also improbable that this oxide would bring about the dissociation
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