This article is devoted to problems of radiotherapy technical maintenance development in Russian Federation on next 10–15 years. The next trends of development are discussed:
 1. The composition of equipment included in radiotherapy complexes.
 2. The situation with development of high technology radiotherapy (HTR) on Russia in 2021 year.
 3. The international modes to number of HTR complexes included linear accelerators (LA).
 4. The necessity in future number of LA and HTR complexes in Russia.
 5. how calculate the number of LA and HTR complexes in every separate clinic.
 6. Special possibilities of main Russian clinics.
 7. Where to purchase HTR complexes included LA to other small clinics?
 8. What types of LA is necessary to buy?
 9. What types of LA is necessary produce on Russian plants?
 10.What cost of project will be if it will be accept?
 11.The development of service centers.
 12.The staff maintenance.
 13.The creation of building for disposed new technique or reconstruction of old treatment rooms.
 14.The normative rules limit.
 15.New types of LA.
 16.Metrology maintenance.
 17.Dosimetrical maintenance.
 18.the development of proton accelerators and neutron generators in Russia.
 19.How many years is necessary to wait of production Russian LA beginning?
 The problem the creation of technical equipment maintenance in Russia for modern radiotherapy on
 leading international level is very complex, heterogeneous and expensive. It can’t be realized without
 serious state support. But it is necessary to begin this realization even now. The specialists of necessary
 level are enough in country. It is necessary to create the general conceptual project of it realization, and
 after that create separate but very large problems included in it.
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