• An in silico analysis of the mutational effect on the structural behavior of Cys-His boxes of NCp7 HIV-1 was reported. • A molecular dynamic simulation on the mutated proximal and distal Cys-His boxes was performed. • Mutation of conserved residues has a direct impact on the structural behavior of Cys-His box. • Backbone hydrogen bonds established between C=O an N-H amid groups, is directly impacted by the mutational effect. In silico alanine scanning mutagenesis was investigated by conducting molecular dynamics simulations on the wild-type of both proximal and distal Cys-His boxes of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nucleocapsid protein p7 and on their mutated structures to get insight into the impact of mutation on the structural behavior of these domains. Conserved mutants exhibit different structural behaviors including important changes characterizing cysteines mutants. Aromatic residues forming hydrophobic platforms are essential for each box and their mutation to alanine or to another aromatic residue affects in different manner the structural behavior of each box. Some of the non-conserved mutant exhibit tolerance for mutation, but some others, suffer noticeable structural perturbations, indicating their role in stabilizing the overall fold of the Cys-His domains. Hydrogen bonds network established between amide C=O and N-H groups and with the surrounding water might be a directing factor of the conformational behavior of the different mutants. .