Alleluia Lynn Domina (bio) Apples tempt the orchard keeper to praisebinges of heat, blustery light, seasonal frost, so he grafts Gala to Ambrosia,calling his hybrid Alleluia. Solid buds, pink blossoms tinged with cream,drooping and fallen petals lead to Alleluia. He's usually reserved,easy in silence, in evening stillness and hushed dawn. During spring, he listensfor crickets and bullfrogs belching praise of themselves, their owngreat bellies, their unending wakefulness. He believes he hearshoneybees fertilizing his Alleluia, their faithful hum stoking hisimagination, his conviction—bees delight in joyous pollen. Couldn't fantasy bejuxtaposed with fact, everything a bold hybrid, orchards and orchardkeepers, blossoms and fruit, beetles and blight leaping from God's own mind, everylast creature chanting Alleluia. Lately, he hopes God's appetite growsmarvelously, God's desire expansive and anticipant. You surelynever imagined such variety, he whispers, peeling spirals of red skin. He juicesoverripe Braeburns. He bakes apple strudel, dumplings, apple walnutpie, every serving rich with cinnamon and nutmeg, sweet with cream.Quince seeds quickened to life in mulched earth, their brambly twigsresurrected every June, bursting with fruit by fall, false apples he admits,seldom shapely or quite ripe, but quince jelly quavers and glistens,translucent and brimming with secret praise. His own praiseushers in mornings damp with fog, hums through humid afternoons, raucous as God's ownvoice, lyrical as God's own command: let creation bewithout limit, let abundance burst from Baldwin, Jonathan, Golden Delicious. Let wind soften toxylophonic breeze, leaf skittering against leaf, limbs arced with fruit,yellow and red and green, sweet, tart, crisp, every applezealous with praise, fervent with song, singing, yes, say it, Alleluia. [End Page 187] Lynn Domina Lynn Domina is the author of two collections of poetry, Framed in Silence (Main Street Rag, 2011) and Corporal Works (Four Way Books, 1995), and the editor of a collection of essays, Poets on the Psalms (Trinity University Press, 2008). Her recent work appears or is forthcoming in Nimrod, Alaska Quarterly Review, Kenyon Review, and others. She currently serves as head of the English Department at Northern Michigan University and as creative writing editor of the Other Journal. Copyright © 2020 Middlebury College Publications