We identify some remnants of normality and call them rudimentary normality, generalize the concept of submetacompact spaces to that of a weakly subparacompact space and that of a weakly ⁎ subparacompact space, and make a simultaneous generalization of collectionwise normality and screenability with the introduction of what is to be called collectionwise σ-normality. With these weak properties, we show that, 1) on weakly subparacompact spaces, countable compactness = compactness, ω 1 -compactness = Lindelöfness; 2) on weakly subparacompact Hausdorff spaces with rudimentary normality, regularity = normality = countable paracompactness; and 3) on weakly subparacompact regular T 1 -spaces with rudimentary normality, collectionwise σ-normality = screenability = collectionwise normality = paracompactness. The famous Normal Moore Space Conjecture is thus given an even more striking appearance and Worrell and Wickeʼs factorization of paracompactness (over Hausdorff spaces) along with Krajewskiʼs are combined and strengthened. The methodology extends itself to the factorization of paracompactness on locally compact, locally connected spaces in the manner of Gruenhage and on locally compact spaces in that of Tall, and to the factorization of subparacompactness and metacompactness in the genre of Katuta, Chaber, Junnila and Price and Smith and that of Boone, improving all of them.
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