In the socially transmitted food preference (STFP) paradigm, rats change their preference for food rewards after socially interacting with a conspecific who has been fed with the originally non-preferred food. Here, we asked if oxytocin (OXT), a neuropeptide known for its role in social affiliation and social behavior, plays a role in STFP. Since OXT's influences on social behavior can be familiarity-dependent, we further asked if OXT effects on STFP are moderated by the familiarity between rats. Does OXT modulate rats' socially transmitted food choices in a familiarity-dependent way. We systemically injected either vehicle, low-dose (0.25mg/kg) of OXT, or large-dose (1.0mg/kg) of OXT before social interaction with either a familiar cagemate (in-group) or an unfamiliar conspecific from a different cage (out-group). We found an intergroup bias in STFP: vehicle-treated rats showed larger socially transmitted changes in food preference in the out-group than the in-group condition. OXT modulated STFP in a familiarity-dependent way: OXT prevented the increase in the consumption of the non-preferred food in the out-group, and decreased the consumption of the preferred food in the in-group. These effects were dose-dependent and observed under acute OXT action, but also on the subsequent day when acute OXT effects dissipated, suggesting long-lasting social learning effects of OXT. Additional analyses suggest that the familiarity and dose-dependent effects of OXT on STFP cannot be attributed to OXT's anorexic actions or differences in the duration of the social interactions. OXT modulates STFP in a familiarity-dependent way.
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