In the framework of a model theory it is demonstrated that the spontaneous breakdown of fundamental symmetries in local quantum field theories leads to a dynamical rearrangement of the degrees of freedom of the basic-field operators in such a way that a larger set of effective local Bose and Fermi field operators is generated, adapted for the phenomenological description of particles, which differ in their transformation property under the broken symmetries from the basic fields. In a nonlinear spinor theory of the Nambu type with a fundamentalSU 2 isospin symmetry—as suggested by the gauge-type interactions—the effective fields can be classified according to anSU 2 ⊗SU 2 group with aU 1 ⊗SU 2 invariance subgroup. The phenomenological approximate higher symmetries are a direct consequence of the spontaneous breakdown of the fundamental symmetries. Natural dynamical interpretations offer themselves for many phenomenological features usually attributed to the quark model, like badly brokenSU 4 andSU 3 symmetries with well-conserved quantities «strangeness» and «charm», four different local constituent Fermi fields, eightfold way, low-lying boson and baryon octets, 2-constituent character of bosons, 3-constituent character of fermions and others. The constituent fields require no parastatistics, colour, confinement; they carry integral charges, and may have direct physical manifestations. Investigations of the asymmetry effects suggest a simple explanation of why «strangeness» and «charm» in lowest order are only violated in charged currents, and point a way for a dynamical determination of the Cabibbo angle.
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