Presents recent advances of the computer program MAGNUS. MAGNUS can solve numerically any general problem of nonlinear magnetostatics in three dimensions. The problem is formulated in a domain with boundary conditions of the following types: Dirichlet, Neumann (field confinement), or periodicity. The domain can contain conductors of any shape in space, nonlinear magnetic materials with magnetic properties specified by magnetization tables, and nonlinear permanent magnets with any given demagnetization curve. MAGNUS uses the two-scalar-potentials formulation of magnetostatics and the finite-element method, has an automatic 3D mesh generator, and advanced post-processing features that include graphics on a variety of supported devices, tabulation, and calculation of design quantities required in magnetic engineering. Because of its generality, MAGNUS has found applications in the design of various vacuum electronic devices that include accelerator magnets and spectrometers, steering magnets, wigglers for free-electron lasers, light sources for lithography and microtrons as well as magnets for NMR and medical applications and recording heads. This paper deals with the latest extensions of MAGNUS.< <ETX xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">></ETX>