We usually think of spontaneous mutations as the result of replication errors made while cells are growing exponentially. That mutations do arise during cell proliferation and without regard to selection was, of course, shown by Luria and Delbruck (1943). Several years ago, John Cairns and his collaborators (Cairns et al. 1988) demonstrated that mutations can also arise in nonproliferating cells when they are subjected to a nonlethal selection. These experiments extended earlier observations made by Francis Ryan (Ryan 1955; Ryan et al. 1961) and James Shapiro (Shapiro 1984). Luria and Delbruck’s proof that mutations arise at random in a growing population was based on large fluctuations in mutant numbers among parallel cultures of bacteria. These large fluctuations occur because clones of different sizes are produced by mutants that appear at different points during the growth of the cultures. Cairns et al. (1988) used the absence of large fluctuations in mutant numbers among parallel cultures to demonstrate that mutations also arise after selection had been imposed. Because on solid selective medium each mutant produces a colony of progeny cells, and so is counted as one, the distribution of mutant numbers is Poisson with a variation equal to its mean. Luria and Delbruck could not have seen this Poisson component; the selections they used were lethal, so no mutants could have arisen after selection was imposed, as Delbruck himself pointed out at the 1946 Cold Spring Harbor Symposium (see Lwoff 1946, p. 154). Although the occurrence of mutations in nonproliferating cells is an interesting and potentially important phenomenon, what was startling about the results of Cairns et al. (1988) was that mutations appeared to be “directed” by the selective conditions; i.e., while selected mutations were accumulating, deleterious or neutral mutations were not. As Cairns put it “populations of bacteria, in stationary phase, have some way of producing (or selectively retaining) only the most appropriate mutations” (Cairns et al. 1988). Some of the more dramatic cases of “directed” mutation have now been shown to have other causes, so at this point we are left with rather few examples of apparent directedness that are still unexplained (for review, see Foster 1999b). The phenomenon has come to be called “adaptive mutation” by which is meant a process that during nonlethal selection produces mutations that relieve the selected pressure, whether or not other nonselected mutations are also occurring (Foster 1999b). Work in my laboratory has focused on a strain of Escherichia coli, FC40, that cannot utilize lactose (Lac−) but that readily reverts to lactose utilization (Lac+) when plated on medium with lactose as the sole carbon and energy source (Cairns and Foster 1991). These Lac+ mutations are not “directed” in the original sense because non-selected mutations in another gene closely linked to lac also accumulate in the Lac− population during lactose selection (Foster 1997). Nonetheless, research on FC40 has provided insights into mechanisms by which mutations can occur in nonproliferating cells. In the first part of this paper, I review the characteristics of adaptive Lac+ mutation in FC40 and present a model for how the mutations are produced. Included are new data indicating that three of E. coli’s DNA polymerases are active in this process. In the second part of the paper, I focus on the occurrence of transient mutators in populations of cells under selection and discuss possible mechanisms by which mutation rates can be temporarily increased.
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