We compared demographics and sexual and drug risk behaviors among HIV-positive Black men who have sex with women only, with men only, or with men and women to assess differences among and between these groups. We analyzed cross-sectional data from the Supplement to HIV and AIDS Surveillance Project for 2038 HIV-positive Black men who reported being sexually active. We classified the participants by their reported sexual behaviors in the past year: intercourse with women (n = 1186), with men (n = 741), or with men and women (n = 111). Respondents whose sexual partners were both men and women reported more noninjection drug use, sexual exchange, and sexual partners than did the other 2 groups. Bisexual respondents were also more likely than were heterosexuals to report unprotected intercourse with a steady female partner and were more likely than were both other groups to report having steady partners of unknown HIV serostatus and using drugs during their last sexual episode. HIV-positive Black men with both male and female sexual partners engaged in more sexual and drug risk behaviors than did their heterosexual and homosexual peers. More information concerning the prevention needs of behaviorally bisexual HIV-positive Black men is needed.
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