We present the two-generator framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamics with a strong emphasis on fundamental notions rather than mathematical details. The underlying sta- tistical mechanics and the implications for thermodynamically guided simulation techniques are sketched briefly. The usefulness and maturity of the framework are illustrated by reviewing a large number of recent far- from-equilibrium applications, where nonlinearity rules. Finally, we oter some promising perspectives for the future of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. I. INTRODUCTION Thermodynamics occurs in the curriculum of every sci- entist or engineer. A typical course on thermodynamics restricted to equilibrium phenomena. In most mod- ern courses, thermodynamics presented together with statistical mechanics; in many cases, statistical mechan- ics even presented in the beginning of the course, as if thermodynamics could be derived from statistical me- chanics. Historically, thermodynamics has of course been developed well before statistical mechanics, based on a multitude of experimental observations condensed into the fundamental laws of equilibrium thermodynamics. Moreover, thermodynamics has the beautiful geometric structure associated with Legendre transformations be- tween pairs of conjugate extensive and intensive variables (contact structure) and a full-fledged theory in its own right. Whereas thermodynamics usually not among the most popular courses, its laws and tools eventually prove useful to most scientists and engineers. In many applica- tions, however, one would like to go beyond equilibrium thermodynamics. A typical example provided by trans- port phenomena (1) which play a most important role in biology, chemical engineering, materials processing, me- chanical engineering, and many other fields. Relaxation phenomena occurring in many areas of application also belong to the world of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Simplification by coarse-graining the description and fo- cusing on the essence of a problem an important key to successful engineering. A general course on statistical nonequilibrium thermodynamics would hence be at least as useful as a course on equilibrium thermodynamics. The purpose of this article to address the ques- tion is nonequilibrium thermodynamics ready for sci- entists and engineers? Should a corresponding course occur in a state-of-the-art curriculum in science and en- gineering? To answer this question we describe a lu- cent framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamic and its statistical-mechanical foundations. We then provide a number of recent applications of this framework. We finally offer some conclusions and an outlook. This article may be considered as a continuation of the compact review (2) presenting modern nonequilibrium thermodynamics to applied scientists and engineers. We hence focus on collecting the literature on the new developments mainly of the last 10 years.
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