Electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB) is a known metal additive manufacturing (AM) technology. Processing non-conducting powders such as ceramics has so far been considered as not feasible because of the inherent problems with Coulomb repulsion due to insufficient electrical conductivity. In this study, a method for functionalizing ceramic powder is proposed where particles are electroless coated by a ~ 1 µm Ni layer to decrease the surface resistivity. The feasibility of the suggested approach is tested on Al2O3 powder, and the results show that the coated ceramic powder has a decreased surface resistivity, which enables processing by PBF-EB. Heating and melting parameters were investigated and samples were manufactured at ~ 1600 °C. Sintered and melted powders were analyzed by microscopy and micromechanically tested by nanoindentation. Calculations, visual observation and SEM–EDX suggest that the Ni coating is evaporated during the process, which suggests that the process could be feasible for the manufacturing of pure ceramic parts.