The goal of unsupervised person re-identification is to retrieve a specific person across several non-overlapping cameras without the aid of manual labeling information. In recent times, contrastive learning has found extensive application in undertaking the complexities of unsupervised person Re-ID. Nevertheless, prevailing approaches often ignore the bias in negative proxy sampling and the significance of hard negatives in contrastive learning. These limitations have constrained the performance of existing methods. To solve these issues, we introduce a Debiased Hybrid Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Mining (DHCL-HNM) approach. Particularly, the proposed approach employs an instance-level memory bank to save the class prototypes for all training images. In each training epoch, the memory bank undergoes clustering, dividing the dataset into un-clustered outliers and clustered images with pseudo labels. Then, the debiasing of negative proxies and the hard negative mining are integrated into a hybrid contrastive learning process to enhance the intra-class similarity and the instance discrimination. The debiasing operation is realized during the sampling of negative proxies to reduce the negative effects of false negatives. In the meantime, the hard negative mining can guide the Re-ID model to concentrate on the hard negatives by reweighting negative proxies based on their similarities to the anchor sample. The efficiency of the proposed method in the realm of unsupervised person Re-ID is demonstrated through comprehensive experiment outcomes conducted on several datasets.