The paper considers a game of three players on the plane attacker, target and defender (an ADT-game). The attacker’s dynamics is described by simple motions, while target and defender are moving in a strait line. At the same time in the game model the attacker receives information about the environment through an acoustic channel in which the target and the defender broadcasts some signals. The field of view of this channel is limited by a cone. The attacker’s goal is to intercept the target and the goal of the target-defender coalition is to delay the interception as much as possible by jamming the attacker’s observation channel. During the chase the attacker uses the law of proportional navigation and various algorithms for target’s bearing estimation which are considered known to the target-defender coalition. The behavior of the system is investigated when using a well-known and a promising intelligent estimation algorithm. For each case an optimization problem is set to optimize the defender’s release angle in order to increase the interception time. The dynamics of all players and various trajectories of the defender in conditions of noiseless and noisy observation channels are simulation, the obtained results are compared.
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