The objective of this study was to establish a physical restraint protocol for gynecological and obstetric examination using ultrasound in Aotus azarai infulatus. The study was conducted with 10 previously established adult couples, evaluated during two different time periods (P1 and P2). In P1, the conditioning was carried out by daily repetition of the gynecological exam associated with the offering of fruits before, during and after the exam. In P2, gynecological examinations were performed on nonpregnant females (n = 6), and obstetric examinations on those who became pregnant (n = 3). The exams were performed using the Medical SonoAce 9900®ultrasound equipment equipped with a multifrequential linear array probe (5-12 MHz). The initial and final heart rate (HR1 and HR2) for each female were calculated based on the interval between systolic peaks. No significant differences were observed in the heart rates in terms of time of examination, suggesting that the time did not interfere in the variables analyzed during the exams. The gynecological and obstetric exams presented a HR2 lower than HR1 during the two periods evaluated (p<0.01). The stress caused by initial restraint increased sympathetic activity and raised HR1. Offering fruits and habituating the animals favored the parasympathetic modulation, thereby explaining the decrease in HR2. This was observed in both gynecological and obstetric exams. RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer um protocolo de contencao fisica para a realizacao do exame ginecologico e obstetrico e ultrassom em macacos Aotus azarai infulatus. O estudo foi realizado com 10 casais de adultos previamente estabelecidos, avaliados em dois periodos de tempo diferentes (P1 e P2). No P1, o condicionamento foi realizado pela repeticao diaria do exame ginecologico, associado a oferta de frutas antes, durante e apos o exame. Em P2, foram realizados exames ginecologicos em femeas nao prenhes (n = 6) e obstetricos para aquelas que ficaram gestantes (n = 3). Os exames foram realizados com o equipamento de ultrassom Medical SonoAce 9900®, equipado com uma sonda linear multifrequencial (5-12 MHz). A frequencia cardiaca inicial e final (HR1 e HR2) de cada femea foi calculada com base no intervalo entre os picos sistolicos. Nao foram observadas diferencas significativas na frequencia cardiaca em relacao ao tempo de exame, sugerindo que o tempo nao interferiu nas variaveis analisadas durante os exames. Os exames ginecologicos e obstetricos apresentaram HR2 inferior a HR1, durante os dois periodos avaliados (p <0,01). O estresse causado pela contencao inicial aumentou a atividade simpatica e elevou a HR1. A oferta das frutas e a habituacao dos animais favoreceram a modulacao parassimpatica, justificando a queda na HR2. Isso foi observado em exames ginecologicos e obstetricos. ARTIGO doi:10.4322/rca.2011.032 Monteiro et al. / Rev. Ci. Agra., v.54, n.1, p.5-11, Jan/Abr 2011
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