Background: There appears to be dearth of empirical data to ascertain the physical activity level of Nigerian undergraduate students, especially among medical students. Hence, there would be need to investigate the physical activity level of students in a Nigeria university community. Aim: The aims of the study were to assess and compare the physical activity of undergraduate students studying Medicine and Physiotherapy. Methods: Two hundred and sixteen undergraduate students studying Medicine and Physiotherapy were recruited using Stratified sampling technique. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire was administered to each student and the data generated was used to compute the Physical activity scores of each participant. Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics of ANOVA and Independent t-test (student) were used to compare physical activity of the students. Results: The results obtained from this study showed skewness in the mean Physical Activity of students at different studying levels due to some that are physically hyperactive. There was no significant difference in the overall Physical Activity of students studying medicine and physiotherapy. However, there were significant differences in the vigorous physical activity of the students (F= 2.54, p = 0.04). The mean vigorous physical activity of 500 level students studying physiotherapy was significantly higher than that of the 400 level students studying in both programmes (p=0.003 and p = 0.032 respectively). There were no significant differences between in the vigorous activity of the final year students in physiotherapy and medicines; and between male and female, although, the sitting PA of female undergraduate students was significantly higher that of male. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the total physical activity of students studying medicine and physiotherapy. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the physical activity of male and female students, excluding that of sitting component of physical activity score which was higher for the later.