Renewable energy needs to be store in different energy forms for the energy transition away from fossil fuels. One of most promising forms is chemicals such as H2 and C-based fuels obtained via electrochemical reactions. The common hinderance in such reactions is the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which causes low energy efficiency in conversion devices. Developing highly active, earth-abundant OER electrocatalysts in alkaline media is necessary to boost the performance of such devices. Fe ion content in electrolyte is known to influence the OER-activity of metal oxide electrocatalysts. For example, the Fe incorporation in NiOOH is a well-established and important effect for OER.[1] Here, we present the effect of absorbed Fe on the OER activity of the epitaxial Ni-surface terminated LaNiO3 thin films. The correlation between surface species and OER activity of electrocatalysts was investigated using surface-sensitive low-energy ion scattering and X-ray photoemission spectroscopies. We observe more than an order-of-magnitude boost in OER activity during initial cycling, from 0.15 mAcm-2 to 3.40 mAcm-2 at 1.60 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode. The activity increase was mainly caused by the incorporation of up to 5 % Fe at the top surface of LaNiO3 film (less than ~1 nm) even though only a very trace amount of Fe ion, 30 ppb, is present in the 0.1 M electrolyte of high purity KOH 99.99 %. Our results demonstrate that the disordered active surface phase, which develops even on single crystalline surfaces, is a complex interplay between the as-prepared (surface) crystalline structure, composition of the solid electrocatalyst and the liquid electrolyte, and has strong impact on the final OER activity, implying that we need to think differently about the crystalline electrocatalysts: crystalline bulk and dynamically changing surface layer.[1] L. Trotochaud, S.L. Young, J.K. Ranney, S.W. Boettcher, Nickel–Iron Oxyhydroxide Oxygen-Evolution Electrocatalysts: The Role of Intentional and Incidental Iron Incorporation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 6744–6753.
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