A major aspect of the P-P solar neutrino flux determination using 205Tl is the very difficult problem of experimentally demonstrating the neutrino reaction cross section with about 10% accuracy. Based on an idea of P. Kienle, such measurements now become possible. Moreover, the proposed measurements of weak interaction rates are in the isotopic states of interest; hence they will be much more readily acceptable than would indirect measurements via strong or electromagnetic interactions or theoretical calculations. One will soon be able to completely strip the electrons from atomic 205Tl and to maintain the bare nucleus in this state in the heavy ion storage ring to be built at GSI Darmstadt. This nucleus can decay by emitting a beta-minus particle into the bound K-level of the daughter 82 205 Pb 1 2 − 81+ ion as the only energetically open decay channel (plus, of course, an antineut This single channel beta decay explores the same nuclear wave functions of initial and final states as does the neutrino capture in atomic 205Tl, and thus its probability or rate is governed by the same nuclear matrix elements that affect both weak interactions: 81 205 Tl 1 2 + 81+→ 82 205 Pb 1 2 − 81++ ν ν 81 205 Tl 1 2 + 0→ 82 205 Pb 1 2 − 1++ e − Measuring the rate of accumulation of 205Pb 81+ ions in the circulating beam of 205Tl 81+ ions gives directly the cross section of reaction (b). The calculations of the expected rates under realistic experimental conditions will be shown to be very favorable for the measurement, e.g., ∼10 4 ions per hour in a 100 mA beam. The great sensitivity of the rate to the 205Pb- 205Tl mass difference will appear (12%/keV), showing the need to materially improve the uncertainty in this value, and several experiments will be proposed. A special calibration experiment to verify the method and check the theoretical calculations will be suggested. Finally the neutrino cross section calculation based on the observed rate of reaction (a) will be shown. Demonstrating bound state beta decay may be the first verification of the theory of this very important process that influences beta decay rates of several isotopes in stellar interiors, e.g., 187Re, that play important roles in geologic and cosmologic dating and nucleosynthesis.