Approximate line intensities measured on a Coude' plate of 10 Lacertae taken at the Mount Wilson Observatory provide data for a preliminary investigation of the atmbsphere of this star by the method of Uns&ld. From the Stark broadening of the hydrogen lines and the 10n1- zation equilibrium, the electron pressure, temperature, and surface gravity are estimated, viz., log Pe = 2.80, Te = 29,6000K, and log g = 4.44. The relative abundances of He, C, N, 0, Ne, Mg, and SI turn out to be the same as in r Sco to well within the limits of error for the approximate 10 Lacertae data. The provisional abundances expressed as relative numbers of atoms are: Element No. Atoms Element No. Atoms H 2000 0 o.8 He 130 Ne 0.7 N 0.2 Si 0.07 C 0.2 Mg 0.05 There is some suggestion that the proportion of hydrogen estimated from the Balmer discontinuity and the higher members of the Balmer series may be greater in 10 Lacertae than in r Scorpii. The discrepancy in the Ne7O ratio between the planetary nebulae and these hot stars remains; the comparable amounts of neon and oxygen in the stars recall Nova Persei which exhibited strong neon lines shortly after maximum. If the mean absorption coefficient for the stellar atmosphere is computed in the manner indicated by Chandrasekhar, Unso"ld's blanketing effect correction may be greatly reduced in size if not actually eliminated. The effective optical depths of the photosphere calculated from the central intensities of the lines and the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium * Of papers presented at the Seventy-fourth Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, New York, N. Y., Fehruary I and 2, 1946. on the one hand, and the amount of material above the photosphere on the other, differ by a factor of only 2.5. They differ by a factor of 20 when the Rosseland mean is used. Numerical integrations of the atmosphere, at present in progress, should decide whether any blanketing effect correction is necessary at all. Kirkwood Observatory, Indiana University, Btoomington, Ind.
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