The present human civilization is moving forward along with many backward motions, generation after generation. At the same time, in the running society amidst a lot of conventional ordinary zero-point or negative works, few giant steps are taken for the good of the people in the long run. Mental capacity of common people is not so powerful to catch the negative vibrations against the deeds taken for granted, today; and, hence, in majority cases, solution does not come. We blame one another and the situations become worse day by day. We always try to rationalize the irrationals by our own judgments, introducing falsehood, mistrust and selfishness; and, hence, in no way the problems reduce. Rather, the whole society is being entangled in a variety of mental turbulences in which we all have been captured directly or indirectly. Actually, we have lost our inner power as a result of forgetting our original spiritual identity. The right knowledge and understanding of soul, Supreme Soul and World Cycle, and self-realization and God-realization made clear the universal concept of One-World -Family in the sense that every human being is the spiritual child of God Father Shiva irrespective of the differences of castes, colours, creeds, cultures, faiths, religions, languages, genders, nationalities, places of birth, etc.