The article continues a study of pseudolysogeny in Pseudominas aeruginosa infected with phiKZ-like phages of the EL species. Analysis was performed for several newly isolated virulent mutants of EL phages (EL and RU) that were virulent (capable of causing lysis of bacteria infected with the wild-type phage) and a lower extent of opalescence of negative colonies (NCs). Wile-type recombinants were detected in crosses of virulent mutants of phages EL and RU to confirm the polygenic control of virulence. Since a deletion mutation was found in one of the virulent EL mutants and high genetic instability was characteristic of another mutant, a mobile genetic element was assumed to play a role in mutagenesis. Pseudolysogeny of bacteria provides for horizontal gene transfer between different bacterial strains. Hence, sequencing of the phage genome and demonstration of the lack of toxic gene products are insufficient for the phage to be included into a therapeutic mixture. To use live phages, it is essential to study in detail the possible consequences of their interaction with host bacteria.
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