The Philippines has been regarded as the center of the center of marine shorefish biodiversity, having the highest number of fish species per square area in the world. The blacknape large-eye bream, Gymnocranius satoi, has been reported to occur from Southern Japan, Taiwan to Northwestern Australia and to the Coral Sea, but has not previously been recorded from the Philippines. From 2011 – 2019, the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) collaborated with the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution (NMNH/SI), USA, and the Old Dominion University (ODU), Virgina, USA, to inventory all commercial fish species sold in fish markets around the Philippines. During three (3) fish market surveys (Dumaguete City Market, Negros Oriental; Claveria Public Market, Cagayan, Northern Luzon; and Tabaco City Market, Albay, Southeastern Luzon in 2013, 2016 and 2017, respectively), we collected and eventually identified using morphological and DNA barcoding (COI) analysis, seven (7) specimens of G. satoi, representing the first records of this species from the country. Since the potential to discover new species and first records of fish species in the Philippines is high, further taxonomic study of the genus Gymnocranius is needed.