This paper reports a widely tunable narrow-linewidth nanosecond optical parametric generator (OPG) with a pulse-repetition rate of 10 kHz. The OPG consists of a 55-mm-long periodically poled lithium niobate crystal with a domain period of 29.5 μm. At an average pump power of 2.0 W the OPG emitted 0.33 W of signal power and 0.17 W of idler power. The wavelength and spectral width of the OPG are controlled by self-injection seeding. For this purpose, a small fraction of the OPG’s pulsed signal radiation is used as seed radiation for the next OPG pulse. In order to overlap in time the seed pulse with the succeeding pump pulse, the seed pulse is delayed by a 22-km-long single-mode fiber. For narrowing the spectrum of the seeded OPG output, the seed radiation is spectrally filtered by a tunable fiber Fabry–Perot interferometer (FFPI). The OPG signal radiation could be tuned from 1547 to 1605 nm by changing the OPG’s crystal temperature and by tuning simultaneously the FFPI. The corresponding idler wave tuned from 3157 to 3413 nm. Within the whole tuning range, the linewidth of the signal wave was less than 185 MHz. Compared to the 240-GHz linewidth of the free-running OPG, the linewidth of the seeded OPG is thus narrowed by more than three orders of magnitude. By tuning the FFPI, continuous wavelength tuning has been demonstrated within the gain spectrum of the OPG over a range of 820 GHz.