Nanoscale microstructural characterization by advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques on a U-10Mo/Zr barrier layer monolithic fuel plate was performed to evaluate the microstructural evaluation after high burn-up. Gas bubble superlattice evolution, grain restructuring, and evolution of the Zr interaction layer is investigated through detailed electron microscopy characterization. The use of automated crystallographic orientation mapping to irradiated U-10Mo fuel highlights that the restructured ultra-fine grains are separated by high angle grain boundaries at a burn up of 4.42 × 1021 fissions/cm3. Additionally, advanced chemical analysis and multi-variable statistical analysis shows spatial clustering of solid fission product precipitates. Finally, characterization of a newly observed porous nanocrystalline Zr region in the barrier layer is studied. This work provides insights into the grain subdivision and restructuring process while using advanced microscopy techniques to analyze fission products in neutron-irradiated U-10Mo fuel.