Numerical estimation shows that an upper energy limit of electrons confined in the Nagoya Bumpy Torus, NBT-1M, exists under electron-cyclotron heating (ECH). This energy limit is determined from the power balance between the microwave input and the losses due to synchrotron radiation and Coulomb drag by bulk electrons, when the maximum harmonic number of ECH corresponding to the energy limit plays an important role. The calculation result of the orbit of the particle reveals us that mirror-trapped electrons can have energies of 10 MeV, while electrons passing through linked mirrors cannot be confined if their energies are above 3 MeV for the magnetic current of 4.2 kA. Successive ECH to a higher harmonic resonance with an injected microwave accelerates electrons, especially mirror-trapped ones, to the energy limit. However, the resonant heating efficiency estimated from the wave damping decreases as the harmonic number n H increases, and also the total power loss increases as heated electrons become more ...