[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The authors show characteristics of the transport load on the road network of the port city of Novorossiysk, and the reasons for a long stay of road trains within the boundaries of the municipality. Results of study of traffic flows by type of vehicles, traffic intensity on streets, the nature of interaction with port infrastructure, maritime terminal are given. The authors offer a solution to the problem of congestion of municipal roads through introduction of a notification and permitting traffic control system by a single operator and a block diagram of conceptual algorithm of integration of vehicles into its structure. REFERENCES 1.Administration of the municipality of the city of Novorossiysk.Official web-site (in Russian).[Electronic resource]: http://admnvrsk.ru/o-gorode/elektronnyy-ekonomicheskiy-katalog/ infrastrukturnaja-obespechennost/transportnaja-infrastruktura/.Last accessed 08 .09.2015. 2.Sintserov, L.Transport and communication paradigm of global development [Transportno-kommunikacionnaja paradigma mirovogo razvitija].Mirovaja ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2011, Iss.5, pp.122-128. 3.Lebedev, E.A., Golovanov, B. V.Regulation of transport flow in the logistics of the region [Regulirovanie transportnogo potoka v logistike regiona].Ensuring effectiveness and safety of road transport: Proceedings of All-Russian 65th scientific and practical conference.Omsk, SibADI, 2011, pp.51-55. 4.Mirotin, L. B.Logistics approaches in dealing with transport support during the crisis [Logisticheskie podhody v reshenii transportnogo obespechenija v period krizisa].Progress of transport vehicles and systems: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, Volgograd, 2009, pp.60-64. 5.Lebedev, E. A.Improvement of a goal of creating transport systems [Sovershenstvovanie celi formirovanija transportnyh system].Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravlenie, 2011, Iss.11, pp.65-67. 6.Mirotin, L.B., Lebedev, E.A., Levitsky, M. O.Integration of regional transport communications.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.12, 2014, Iss.4, pp.118-123. 7.Lebedev, E.A., Levitsky, M.O., Nedashkovskaya, A. O.Integration of transport-technological systems in intermodal transportation [Integracija transportno-tehnologicheskoj sistemy v intermodal’nyh perevozkah].Transport and transport-technological systems: proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, Tyumen, TyumGITU, 2014, pp.139-144. 8.Kusnetsov, A.L., Galin, A. V.Genesis of development of the ports’ models in modern transport science [Genezis razvitiya modeley portov v sovremennoy transportnoy nauke].Vestnik gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota im.admirala S. O.Makarova, 2015, Iss.2, pp.141-153.