To the Editor: Petrification is a particular method for the artificial preservation of bodies that found wide application in Italy, notably in the 19th century. This technique allowed researchers to maintain the exact features of the deceased, preserve tissue, internal organs, and hair, mostly in a state of stone hardness. This mechanism was based on the replacement of biologic liquids with chemical preservatives mainly obtained through intravascular injections.1Carli A. Piombino-Mascali D. I preparati anatomici lombardi tra Otto- e Novecento. Paolo Gorini e Giuseppe Paravicini.Med Secoli. 2015; 27: 413-425Google Scholar Each scientist, such as Efisio Marini, Girolamo Segato, and Paolo Gorini, developed a different formula to petrify bodies. Paolo Gorini (1813-1881) was one of the most important experts and performed petrification on hundreds of cadavers, including that of Giuseppe Mazzini.2Luzzato S. La mummia della Repubblica. Storia di Mazzini Imbalsamato (1872-1946). Rizzoli, Milano, Italy2001Google Scholar He used 2 formulas, hereby reported as “a sulfuric acid solution in the proportion of 10% or an alcohol-saturated solution of mercuric bichloride and muriate of calcium in the proportion that the volume of the first is 10 times that of the second.”3Carli A. Storia di uno scienziato. La collezione anatomica Paolo Gorini. Bolis, Azzano San Paolo, Italy2005Google Scholar The purpose of this work is to verify for the first time the preservation status of tissues following petrification by Gorini's method. Our study was carried out on an already petrified body of an unknown individual affected by a widespread bullous skin manifestation (Fig 1, A and B) held in the Paolo Gorini Museum of Lodi (northern Italy). A superficial fragment of skin free of lesions was taken from the lateroplantar region of the right foot (Fig 1, C). The material was similar to a skin biopsy acquired by using the shave biopsy technique and, therefore, consisted mainly of a thin layer of hyperkeratotic epidermis with little underlying dermis. The analysis was performed on microscopic slides after the inclusion of samples in epoxy resin.4Fulcheri E. Boano R. Grilletto R. et al.Ancient Egyptian mummies: histological examinations to assess the presence of contaminations or Lynnerup N. Andreasen C. Berglund J. Mummies in a New Millennium. Greenland National Museum and Archives and Danish Polar Center, Nuuk, Copenhagen2003: 89-92Google Scholar Resin embedding is an alternative technique used in the study of mummified tissues, the other technique being rehydration of samples and inclusion in paraffin. After resin embedding, a stain with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome was performed. Other sections were immunohistochemically stained with cytokeratin antibodies (AE1, AE3) and vimentin. Histologic investigations (Fig 2) revealed a discretely preserved epithelial tissue, with a structure that is still recognizable on the tangential sections (Fig 2, A, D, G). In particular, the epithelial layers are hyperkeratotic, partly consisting of the easily detachable epithelia of the stratum corneum and, to a lesser extent, epithelia of the deeper, more cohesive layers of the stratum granulosum and spinosum, which are still possible to distinguish, especially because of the hematoxylin-eosin stain (the shadow of the nuclei). From the histochemical investigations, the epithelial tissue was found to be positive for cytokeratins and negative for vimentin (Fig 2, B, H, I). In the literature, the preservation status of natural or embalmed mummified bodies has often been discussed.5Aufderheide A.C. The Scientific Study of Mummies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge2003Google Scholar In this respect, however, historic petrified specimens have never been analyzed. This first study demonstrates that petrification guaranteed good tissue preservation, maintaining the skin's histologic, histochemical, metachromatic, and antigenic characteristics. Positivity for cytokeratin alone and negativity for vimentin demonstrate the reliability of immunohistochemical results, which often in paleopathology show false positives. With a good level of skin preservation, histologic investigations can be carried out on fragments of skin affected by lesions and used to diagnose the dermatologic pathology, possibly smallpox or pellagra, that the person once had.
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