Annotation: To date, the problem of drinking water quality and its impact on human health has been widely covered. Thus, in 2020-2021, 600 samples were examined in 5 districts of Khabarovsk by conducting an express analysis of drinking water of centralized water supply for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of рН, NO2─, NO3─, Cl─, GH as factors in the formation of COVID-19 morbidity in boys and girls aged 21-22. Such indicators as рН, NO2─, NO3─ and GH correspond to the standard in all districts and all seasons of 2020-2021. The characteristics of Cl─ in drinking water deviate from the standard to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the district of Khabarovsk and the 2020 season. While, in 2021, the Cl─ indicators correspond to the norm. The incidence of COVID-19 of students participating in the study living in different districts of Khabarovsk was also analyzed and the interdependence of the incidence of COVID-19 of boys and girls with some characteristics of drinking water indicators of centralized water supply was determined.