Conformational analyses by molecular mechanics of two-bond linked, glucose-glucose and some glucose-fructose disaccharides are reviewed. Usually, the conformations found by diffraction studies of crystals of relevant molecules were in low-energy regions on φ,ψ surfaces computed with mm3. However, several sucrosyl linkages had energies high above the global minimum. Also, the distributions of experimental conformations did not conform well to the energy surfaces for sucrose and, to a lesser extent, maltose. A new map for maltose, made with mm3(92), had less low-energy area wherein crystal structures were not found, and a miniature crystal model accounts for the remaining distortions Of φ and ψ as well as the short O4…O1 distances in crystalline maltose. An internally consistent calculation of the lattice energy (−76kcalmor −1) required a dielectric constant of 2.5, and values around 3 also worked well for various intramolecular and intermolecular parameters and the φ,ψ map of maltose. The problems with sucrose were not resolved despite further study. The high molecular mechanics energy for some of the sucrosyl linkages may arise from failure to account for an overlapping exo-anomeric effect.